The KIS Formula for Resume Writing: 7 Ultimate Tips to Make Your Resume Stand Out

The KIS Formula for Resume Writing: 7 Ultimate Tips to Make Your Resume Stand Out

The KIS Formula for Resume Writing

Imagine you’re a hiring manager with a stack of resumes on your desk. You’re looking for that one candidate who jumps off the page. That’s where the KIS formula gives you a superpower, making your resume a standout contender.

What is the KIS Formula?

KIS stands for Keep It Simple. When it comes to resumes, this means making yours:

  • Simple: Forget about cluttered layouts or complicated wording. A clean, organized resume is a breath of fresh air for busy recruiters.
  • Impactful: Focus on your biggest achievements. This shows you can get results and make a difference in their company.
  • Short: No one wants to read a novel. Stick to one page, highlighting your most relevant experience in a concise, attention-grabbing way.

Why KIS Matters

Think of it this way: Hiring managers have limited time. If your resume is hard to read or they can’t easily see your strengths, they might move on to the next candidate. The KIS formula ensures your resume gets noticed for the right reasons.

Decoding the KIS Formula

Keep It Simple

  • Format: Choose a basic, professional font (like Times New Roman or Calibri). Clean headings like “Work Experience,” “Education,” and “Skills” make your resume simple to navigate.
  • Language: Write in short, clear sentences. Avoid industry jargon unless you’re absolutely sure the company will understand it.


  • Action Verbs: Kick off each bullet point with a dynamic word that shows what you DID. Words like “developed,” “managed,” “oversaw,” or “spearheaded” all pack a punch.
  • Numbers Talk: When you can, add numbers to showcase your impact. “Increased sales by 20%” is way more impressive than simply saying you “boosted sales.”


  • One Page Please: Unless you have many years of directly related experience, one page is all you need.
  • Prioritize: Every job listing contains clues. Which skills and experiences do they emphasize? Make sure those get top billing on your resume.

Let’s break down the KIS formula further with a few more examples and practical tips:

Simple Formatting

  • Clean Design: Plenty of white space makes your resume easier to scan. Think clear headings, organized sections, and standard margins.
  • No Fancy Business: Avoid distracting colors, multiple fonts, or complicated graphics. You want the focus on your experience, not the design.

Impactful Language

  • Action Words Rock: Here’s a list to inspire you: analyzed, collaborated, designed, improved, launched, negotiated, trained.
  • Show, Don’t Just Tell: Instead of “Team player,” try “Collaborated with a cross-functional team to deliver the project ahead of schedule.”
  • Quantify It: Numbers grab attention. Did you streamline a process? Write “Reduced order processing time by 30%.” Did you save money? Say “Implemented cost-saving strategies, reducing expenses by $2,000 annually.”

Prioritizing Relevance

  • Highlight the Right Stuff: If you’re applying for a sales job, don’t talk at length about unrelated summer jobs. Showcase your sales skills and achievements front and center!
  • Old Doesn’t Mean Gold: Early, less relevant jobs can be summarized in one line: “Cashier, Big Box Store (2018-2019) – Developed customer service skills.”

Extra KIS Tips

  • Keywords are Key: Look at the job description carefully. What words and skills do they keep mentioning? Weave those naturally into your resume.
  • Online Tools Help: Resume builders can offer good starting points (but avoid those overused templates!). Sites like Grammarly can catch grammar issues.
  • Don’t Go It Alone: Have a career advisor, teacher, or mentor review your resume and offer feedback. A fresh pair of eyes can spot things you might miss.

KIS = Confidence

With the KIS formula, you’re giving the hiring manager an simple-to-read, results-focused snapshot of your top qualities. That clarity leaves a strong impression and boosts your confidence heading into the next stage of the job search process.

The KIS formula is a recipe for resume success. Keep it simple, make it impactful, keep it short – and land that dream job.

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