Resume Templates vs. Custom Designs: The Pros and Cons of Using Templates

Your resume is your first impression on potential employers. It’s a marketing tool that needs to highlight your skills and experience effectively and why you’re the perfect fit for the job. When crafting your resume, one of your first decisions is whether to use a resume template or create a custom design. Both routes offer pros and cons; the right choice depends on your needs and skill set. Let’s dive into the benefits and drawbacks of using resume templates to help you make an informed decision.

Resume Templates vs. Custom Designs

The Advantages of Using Resume Templates

Resume templates offer numerous advantages and are famous for job seekers across various experience levels. Here’s a breakdown of their significant benefits:


Templates are pre-formatted documents designed to simplify and streamline the resume creation process. The basic structure, sections, and formatting are already in place with a template. All you need to do is fill in your information, saving valuable time in the job search process.


Well-designed resume templates exude a sense of professionalism. They utilize visually appealing layouts, clean fonts, and proper spacing to ensure your resume looks polished and organized. This can be especially helpful if something other than graphic design is your strong suit.


Many high-quality resume templates are available for no cost or at a meager cost. This makes them an accessible option for job seekers on a budget or those who prefer to allocate their resources elsewhere.


Templates provide a clear structure and include the essential sections that hiring managers expect to see. This has your contact information, work history, education, skills, and other relevant sections like awards or publications. Using a template helps ensure you recognize all crucial information.

The Drawbacks of Using Resume Templates

While resume templates offer convenience and a starting point, it’s essential to be aware of their limitations. Here are some significant drawbacks to consider:


One of the most significant disadvantages of using a resume template is the risk of your resume looking too similar to countless others. Popular templates are frequently used, giving your application a generic feel. In a competitive job market, you want your resume to stand out, not blend in.


Templates can be restrictive in terms of customization. You might need help tailoring the template’s layout and sections to effectively showcase your unique skills and experiences. This is particularly true if you have a diverse work history or are switching careers.


Experienced hiring managers and recruiters can often spot commonly used resume templates from a mile away. An overused template might convey a lack of effort or attention to detail to some employers, potentially hindering your chances.

ATS Issues

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) is software that many companies use to scan and filter resumes. Some complex resume templates, especially those with multiple columns, tables, or intricate design elements, must be clarified for ATS software. If the ATS can’t correctly interpret your resume, it’s likely to be filtered out, even if you’re a perfect fit for the role.

The Benefits of Creating a Custom Resume

A custom design is the way to go if you want to take complete control of your resume’s appearance and content. While it requires more effort, it offers significant advantages that can make you a more memorable candidate.


A custom resume allows you to break from cookie-cutter templates and truly showcase your individuality. You can choose a design and structure that reflects your personality, target industry, and the specific role you’re applying for. This uniqueness helps you stand out in a sea of similar resumes.

Highlighting Strengths

Your biggest asset is your project management skills, or you’ve gained extensive experience in a niche field. A custom resume gives you the flexibility to highlight your key strengths strategically. You can adjust section order, create tailored headings, and focus the spotlight on the areas that matter most for the job.


With a custom design, you have complete control over every aspect of your resume. You can experiment with different fonts, colors, layouts, and creative elements to create a presentation that perfectly represents your professional brand.

H4: ATS-Friendly

Refrain from assuming that custom resumes are incompatible with Applicant Tracking Systems. By keeping a clean structure, using clear headings, and strategically incorporating keywords from the job description, you can design a custom ATS-friendly and visually appealing resume.

The Challenges of Creating a Custom Resume

While there are undeniable advantages to a custom resume, there are also some challenges that you should be aware of before taking this route:

Time Investment

Designing a custom resume from scratch will naturally take longer than simply filling out a template. You’ll need to consider layout, visual elements, formatting, and thoroughly proofreading your work. If you’re on a tight job-search timeline, this added effort might be a factor to consider.

Design Skills

Creating a visually appealing and professional-looking custom resume can be tricky if graphic design isn’t your forte. You want your resume to be aesthetically pleasing and read without appearing cluttered or unprofessional. If you need more confidence in your design abilities, you may need to invest in additional resources or assistance.


With complete freedom over the design comes the responsibility for ensuring your resume is well-structured and organized. You need to ensure all the essential information is included and presented in a way that is suitable for recruiters and hiring managers to navigate. If you’re unfamiliar with standard resume conventions, it’s wise to research goog practices beforehand.

When to Consider a Template vs. a Custom Design

The top choice for you will depend on your circumstances, your experience level, and the specific jobs you’re targeting. Consider these factors to help you decide between a template or a custom design:

When a Template Might Be a Good Fit:

  • Time Constraints: If you face a tight deadline or need to apply for multiple jobs quickly, a template’s pre-formatted structure saves valuable time.
  • Limited Design Experience: If you feel overwhelmed by design choices, a well-designed template takes the guesswork out of layout and formatting, ensuring a professional appearance.
  • Beginner Job Seekers: For students, recent graduates, or those with limited work history, templates help organize your experience and ensure you include all the essential elements.
  • Career Changers with Transferable Skills: If you’re transitioning fields but have broadly applicable skills (like communication, organization, etc.), a template focuses on how your skills translate to the new role.
  • Budget Constraints: With many excellent no cost or low-cost templates, this option can be more budget-friendly if you’re concerned about investing in resume design services.

When to Opt for a Custom Design

  • Competitive Job Market: A custom resume helps you stand out and showcase your unique value proposition in fields with many qualified applicants.
  • Highlighting Unique Experiences: If you have a non-traditional career path, specialized skills, or significant accomplishments, a custom design lets you tailor the presentation to highlight what sets you apart.
  • Targeting Specific Industries: For highly specialized fields, a custom design allows you to subtly incorporate industry-specific design elements, terminology, and keywords, signaling your suitability for the role.
  • Confident with Design: If you enjoy graphic design and have the tools and skills, a custom design offers a chance to express your creativity and create a one-of-a-kind representation of your brand.
  • Seeking Senior-Level Roles: For experienced professionals applying for executive or high-level positions, a custom design demonstrates attention to detail and reflects your investment in your career advancement.

Even if you opt for a template, it’s crucial to tailor it to each job you apply for. Constantly adjust the content, keywords, and focus to align with the specific role.


Choosing between a resume template and a custom design is a decision that depends on your individual needs, skills, and the job search landscape. There’s no single “right” answer that applies universally.

Templates offer convenience, affordability, and a professional baseline, making them suitable for many job seekers, especially those on a timeline or with limited design experience.

On the other hand, custom resumes allow maximum control, differentiation, and the ability to showcase your unique experience and skills effectively. If you want to stand out in a competitive field or have the time and design inclination, a custom route could be the way to go.

Ultimately, the top resume is the one that accurately represents your qualifications, is tailored to the specific job you’re applying for, and catches the attention of hiring managers positively.

Additional Tips:

  • Resources: Explore websites offering professional resume templates and advice on creating custom designs.
  • Hybrid Option: Consider using a template as inspiration and customize it with your design elements.
  • Feedback: Get feedback on your resume from professionals, career counselors, or trusted mentors to improve its effectiveness.


Q: Can I use a template and still make my resume unique?

A: Yes! Choose a template with a flexible layout. Customize it with your color scheme, fonts, and strategic wording. Emphasize your most vital skills and experiences, and tailor your resume’s content to each job you apply for.

Q: I’m not a designer – can I still create a good-looking custom resume?

A: Definitely! Start with a minimalist approach – a clean layout, readable fonts, and clear headings. Use online design tools like Canva for templates or inspiration. Focus on clear organization and showcasing your skills rather than complex visuals.

Q: Is it worth paying for a professional resume template or custom design service?

A: This depends on your budget and needs. Consider it if you’re struggling with formatting, want a unique design, or are applying for highly competitive roles. However, many excellent no cost or low-cost resources are available if you are willing to put in the effort.

Q: Should I make my resume one page or two?

A: Traditionally, resumes are kept to one page, especially for entry-level candidates. However, two pages can be acceptable if you have extensive relevant experience. The key is to prioritize your most impactful accomplishments, regardless of length.

Q: How do I ensure my resume is compatible with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)?

A:  Stick to clear headings (Work Experience, Education, Skills). Use relevant keywords from the job description naturally throughout. Avoid complex formatting, images, or tables. Many ATS-checker tools are available online to test your resume before submitting it.

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