How to include short-term Jobs in your resume without raising red flags

Crafting a stellar resume is crucial for landing that dream job. But what about those temporary gigs or short-term projects that pepper your work history? Including short-term employment on your resume can take time and effort. You want to showcase your skills and experience but also avoid raising red flags for potential employers who might misinterpret brief stints as job hopping or instability.

The good news is that with the right approach, you can effectively highlight your temporary work experiences on your resume without raising any concerns. This guide will equip you with the strategies and considerations to confidently present your entire range of skills and accomplishments, including those gained from short-term positions.

short-term jobs in your resume

Strategies for Including Short-Term Jobs

Great! Now, let’s delve into the strategies you can use to showcase your short-term employment experiences effectively on your resume.

Focus on Achievements

The key to transforming a short-term role into a resume asset is highlighting the achievements and skills you gained during that time. Resumes are about results, so focus on your impact in your temporary position.

  • Action Verbs are Your Ally: Craft strong action verbs to portray your contributions vividly. Instead of simply stating “Assisted with marketing campaigns,” use verbs like “Spearheaded” or “Developed” to showcase initiative and ownership.

Here’s an example:

  • Before: Assisted with marketing campaigns.
  • After: Developed and implemented a social media marketing campaign that increased brand awareness by 20%.
  • Quantify Your Success (When Possible): Numbers add undeniable weight to your achievements. Did you streamline a process, increase sales, or resolve customer issues? Quantify your contributions whenever possible.

For instance, instead of saying “Improved customer satisfaction,” state, “Implemented a new customer service protocol that resulted in a 15% increase in positive customer reviews.”

By emphasizing quantifiable achievements, you demonstrate your value, even within a short timeframe.

When highlighting achievements, tailor them to the specific job you’re applying for. Focus on showcasing skills and results relevant to the position you seek.

Emphasize Project-Based Work

Many short-term positions can be effectively framed as successful project completions. This approach lets you emphasize your ability to deliver results within a defined timeframe.

Here’s how to leverage this strategy:

  • Highlight Project Scope and Impact: Briefly describe the project you undertook during the short-term role. Explain the project’s goals and the specific tasks you were responsible for.

For example: “Managed a website redesign project for a local non-profit organization, ensuring a user-friendly experience and a 10% increase in online donations.”

  • Focus on Project Outcomes: Shift the focus to the successful completion of the project and the positive outcomes achieved. Did you meet or exceed project goals? How did your work benefit the organization?

Here’s an example: “Led a team of three to develop and launch a new product line within a tight deadline, resulting in a 15% increase in quarterly sales.”

By framing your short-term work as successful project completions, you demonstrate your ability to manage projects effectively, deliver results under pressure, and contribute to achieving organizational goals – all valuable skills for any employer.

If applicable, consider including relevant keywords from the job description you’re applying for within your project descriptions. This can help your resume stand out during the initial Applicant Tracking System (ATS) scan, which we’ll discuss later.

Be Transparent with Dates

Transparency is critical when including short-term employment on your resume. Here’s how to ensure clarity regarding the duration of your temporary positions:

  • Transparent Date Formats: Always use clear and consistent date formats throughout your resume. The most common format is month and year (e.g., August 2023 – December 2023).
  • Consider “Contract” or “Freelance”: For temporary roles, consider using terms like “Contract” or “Freelance” alongside the dates to clarify the nature of the position further.

Here’s an example:

  • Before: Marketing Specialist, ABC Company (June 2023 – October 2023)
  • After: Contract Marketing Specialist, ABC Company (June 2023 – October 2023)

These terms can help alleviate concerns about job hopping or frequent employment changes.

Addressing Employment Gaps (Optional):

In some cases, short-term work might create gaps in your employment history. If the gap is significant and requires explanation, consider including a brief explanation within your resume or during the interview.

Here are some examples of acceptable reasons for employment gaps:

  • Travel: Briefly mention a period of travel or volunteering abroad to gain new experiences or develop specific skills.
  • Freelancing: If you freelanced during a gap, mention it and highlight any relevant projects you undertook.
  • Education: If you were pursuing further education during the gap, mention the program or degree you obtained.

Keep explanations concise and focus on how the experiences during the gap helped you develop valuable skills relevant to the job you’re applying for.

When to Leave Short-Term Jobs Off Your Resume

While including most short-term work experiences can be beneficial, there might be a few exceptions:

  • Irrelevant Experience: If the short-term job has minimal connection to the position you’re applying for, it might be best to leave it out. Focus on highlighting experiences that showcase relevant skills and qualifications.
  • Negative Experience: If the short-term role was a negative experience that resulted in a bad reference or left you with minimal transferable skills, it might be best to omit it. However, if there are transferable skills you gained (e.g., project management, communication), you can briefly mention the role and focus on those skills.

Ultimately, deciding to include or exclude a short-term job depends on the situation. Use your judgment and prioritize showcasing experiences to strengthen your candidacy for the desired position.


Crafting a compelling resume that effectively showcases your skills and experience is essential in the job search process. Including short-term employment experiences can be a valuable way to demonstrate your adaptability, ability to deliver results, and diverse skill set.

By following the strategies outlined in this guide, you can confidently incorporate short-term work into your resume without raising red flags for employers. Remember to focus on achievements, emphasize project completions, be transparent with dates, and tailor your resume to the job you’re applying for.

By effectively presenting your entire range of skills and experiences, including those gained from temporary positions, you’ll be well on your way to landing that dream job.

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